Viima will send automated email notifications about certain actions on Viima boards (for example, the creation of a new idea) to you. As a user, you can choose which actions you will be notified of, and whether you want to receive periodic activity updates about a given Viima board. This guide will show you how to do so by adjusting your notification preferences.
Please note that board admins control the content and frequency of these notifications, so they may vary between boards.
How to get there
You can access the notification management page via any notification email sent to you from Viima, by clicking the email preferences link at the bottom of the email.
To access your email notification preferences page directly, open the following URL:
You can also access notification settings from the user profile page by following the steps below:
Step 1
From a Viima board or from your organisation dashboard, open the dropdown menu on the top rightmost corner of the screen next to your name and profile picture and click "Edit your profile"
Please, bear in mind that you can only manage notifications for boards you have already visited
Choose the board
As notifications vary from one board to another, these are adjusted at the board level. Before making any changes, ensure you have chosen the correct board from the dropdown menu.
What to change
There are two sections where you can control email notifications:
Recurring emails: Do you want to receive periodic updates about new activity on the board?
Advanced notifications: Which other events do you want to be notified about via email?
Recurring Emails
Viima automatically sends periodic updates about board activity, by default weekly, if enabled by your board admin. You can choose whether to receive these updates or not.
Email Notifications
When you open the section “Advanced Notifications” you can see a list of all the different notification types active for the board.
Use the toggle switches to enable or disable the email notifications you want. When you change a preference, a notification will pop up in the right low corner of the screen to notify you that the changes have been saved.
Notifications for ideas
New idea created: This option allows you to choose whether to get notified about new ideas on a board
Idea Status updates: This option allows you to choose whether to get notified about status changes to ideas on a board
Idea migrations to other boards: This option allows you to choose whether to get notified when ideas are moved to other boards from the board you are managing notifications for
Idea migrations to this board: This option allows you to choose whether to get notified when ideas are moved to the board you are managing notifications for
Notifications for comments
New comments to your ideas: This option allows you to choose whether to get notified when another user comments your ideas
Comments to all ideas: This option allows you to choose whether to get notified when another user comments any idea on the board
Replies to your comments: This option allows you to choose whether to get notified when another user replies to your comments to ideas
Mentions: This option allows you to choose whether to get notified when another user mentions you in the comments in an idea
Ideation process notifications
Applications for idea responsibility: This option allows you to choose whether to get notified when a user applies to be responsible for an idea
Application Status Updates: This option allows you to choose whether to get notified when your applications for idea responsibility are processed, i.e. accepted or rejected
Idea responsibility: This option allows you to choose whether to get notified when you are assigned as an idea responsible
Impact assessment reminder: This option allows you to choose whether to get notified about pending idea impact assessments you are responsible for
Bear in mind that disabling some or all of these notifications could lead to you missing important information and delay your own or your colleagues' work
Should some or all of the email notifications listed above not be visible, they are deactivated for the selected board. Contact your board admin to review their email notification policy.
There are exceptional cases in which your email preferences may be overridden due to board configurations. These cases are the following:
A new idea is added to a category for which you are the owner of on a Viima board.
You are a recipient for custom emails sent via automated workflows