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Customizing the colors & background
Customizing the colors & background
Updated over a week ago

Colors are important for the visual representation of your board. Together with idea trending options, they can be used to better tell ideas apart. You don’t need to figure all of them out right away, however, it’s important to know how they work. We recommend trying out different adjustments and seeing how they visually affect your board.

As a part of our premium plan, we also provide the option of customizing the background image of your board.

P.S. To be able to customize board colors or background image, you’ll need to have an admin account for the desired Viima board. Please contact your Viima super user for access if you don’t already have an account.

How to get there

If you already know your board name, the easiest way to customize your board's colors or background is through the following URL:

If you do this, proceed directly to Step 2. Otherwise, start from Step 1.

Step 1

On your Viima Admin account, go to "Visual appearance" in the admin portal of your board.

Step 2

From here, you can adjust your board's theme colors and background, and colorize ideas in various ways.

Colors & Idea visualization

You can separately adjust either the general theme colors or idea visualization colors:

  • Theme colors: Determine the colors of the board's fonts and highlights and the default color of the idea bubbles.

  • Idea visualization colors: Determine the customized colors (*or images) of the idea bubbles.

*Background images for the idea bubbles are reserved for our premium users.

Theme colors

Under "Colors", there are 4 different theme colors that can be changed from the colored boxes next to their names:

  • Default idea color: The color of all idea bubbles if no color is set from "Idea visualization"

  • Idea font color: The color of the name on all idea bubbles. (We recommend using a darker color as this makes it easier to tell apart from the idea color)

  • Highlight color: The color of the bolded numbers and texts on your board

  • Navigation font color: The color of the names on the upper panel on your board

P.S. You can check how changing the colors visually affects the board from the preview above the color settings.

When you click a colored box, a larger box opens from which you can easily determine your new color.

After you have chosen your new theme colors, the changes will come into effect by clicking "Save".

Idea visualization

Under "Idea visualization", there is a dropdown menu from which you can choose one of 4 settings for determining how the ideas on your board will be colored:

  • Default idea color

  • Category colors

  • Status colors

  • Background image

P.S. You can check how the different options visually affect the idea bubbles from the board preview above.

Default idea color

When you choose "default color", all ideas will be changed to the default idea color chosen under "Colors", regardless of any categories or statuses you have added on the board.

Remember to save for the changes to take effect on the board.

Category colors

When you choose "Category colors", if you have added any categories on the board, you will see all of them under the dropdown menu with colored boxes next to their names. You can assign each category a specific color, after which all ideas on the board will be colored by different categories.

Remember to save for the changes to take effect on the board.

Status colors

When you choose "Status colors", if you have added any statuses on the board, all of them will appear under the dropdown menu with colored boxes next to their names. You can assign each status a specific color, after which all ideas on the board will be colored by different statuses.

Remember to save for the changes to take effect on the board.

Background image for idea bubbles

When you choose "Background image", you can upload a specific image by clicking "Change". The uploaded image will then become the background for all idea bubbles, replacing the default color.

P.S. The background image can only be seen on the idea bubbles when they are closed. In the mobile version or when an idea is opened, the default color will be shown. Thus, we still recommend choosing a visually matching default color even if a background image is used.

Remember to save for the changes to take effect on the board.

Background image

To upload a new background image for your board, select the "Board background" on the left side menu and click on the blue button "Change".

When you have uploaded the desired image, click on "Save". Now you can see what the image looks like on the board from the board preview above. The background image can be removed at any time by clicking "Delete".

Don't forget to save your changes!

Green "Save" buttons can be found on all pages where changes can be made. Clicking this activates those changes.

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