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Updated over a week ago

Here are release notes on the latest updates in the Viima's app:

1) List view for ideas

  • We have added a new way to view the ideas on your board by laying them out as a list. This list view provides an alternate way to systematically go through the ideas on your board and sort through the vast amounts of data.

  • It is especially helpful when you want an Excel-type approach to viewing ideas on the board where you want to see idea-related info for many ideas all at once. You can switch to the list view on the board by clicking the list-icon on the bottom left corner of the board.

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  • With the list view open, each row represents a different idea on the board. The columns represent different details related to the idea, such as category, status, and amount of likes and comments. Also the data in custom fields can be seen here. In the case of many custom fields or a particularly small screen resolution, some of the columns may not fit on the screen. In this case, the list can be scrolled horizontally to reveal these hidden items.

  • P.s. Depending on which view (bubble or list) was last open during your previous session, that view will be open when you return to the board.

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  • You can easily sort ideas on the list by any of the criteria in the columns by clicking the name of said column. For example, by clicking "Status", we can see the list sorted based on the board's statuses with ideas from the first step of the process showing first.

P.s. It helps in managing ideas when you have the right status types configured in the admin portal of your board. When a certain status is of a "Development" type, it will be shown highlighted as a part of the process (such as in the image below). All process phases should be of this status type. "Archive"-type statuses should be positioned last on the status listing to separate them from the process phases.

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2) Skipping and editing evaluations

  • We have some new updates to the evaluation feature. It is now possible to skip certain evaluation metrics when giving evaluations. This makes it possible for users to give evaluations without having to guess answers to metrics they may not have relevant or sufficient knowledge of. When there are multiple evaluation metrics, you can choose to skip one from the arrow to the right from the metric's name.

  • For example, with the setup in the picture below, I would be giving the metric "Strategic fit" an evaluation but choosing to skip the metric "Urgency". This way, the evaluation results for the Urgency -metric would not be affected by my evaluation.

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  • Users may also now choose to edit the evaluations they've already given as long as the idea is still in the status where the evaluations were given. This allows users to modify their evaluations in the light of new information or to simply fix or retract accidental/misguided evaluations.

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3) Evaluation user rights

  • The evaluation user rights also received more flexibility. You can now individually configure which user roles (normal user, idea responsible, admin) can A) give an evaluation and B) see the average value of the given evaluations. This means that you can for example ask for evaluations from all users, but only show the average value to admins or, even vice versa, allow only admins to evaluate ideas, but then show the evaluation results to all users. We've also maintained the earlier setting of showing the average evaluation result to users only after they've evaluated the idea themselves as to not provide bias to their own answers.

  • Here are the options for "Who can evaluate ideas with this metric?" in the admin portal:

    • Everyone: All board users may evaluate ideas on this metric

    • Idea responsibles: Admins may evaluate all ideas on this metric and those who have been assigned to be responsible for an idea may evaluate that specific idea

    • Admins: Only admins of the board may evaluate ideas on this metric

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  • Here are the options for " Who can see the average evaluation value?" in the admin portal:

    • Users who have already given their evaluation: This is quite self-explanatory. Only after an evaluation has been given by a person, will they see the average evaluation score on the slider.

    • Everyone: Every user on the board will be able to see the average evaluation score of the metric after it has been evaluated at least once.

    • Idea responsibles: Admins can see the average evaluation score of this metric for all ideas and those who have been assigned to be responsible for an idea may see the average evaluation score of that specific idea after it has been evaluated at least once.

    • Admin: Only admins may see the average evaluation score of the metric.

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Best practice for board theme colors

  • The theme colors that affect everything from idea font color to the "Add idea" -button may sometimes result in these objects getting hidden in the background with lighter shades of color. Thus, we warmly recommend using darker shades to ensure good visibility. If you notice that some elements on your board are difficult to distinguish, take a second to quickly adjust the color settings or suggest a board admin to do so.

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