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Using the evaluation dashboard
Using the evaluation dashboard
Updated over 5 months ago

Once you've set up an evaluation metric on your board, you can now review evaluation-related statistics from the evaluation dashboard.

In this guide, we'll show you how to:

  1. Get to the evaluation dashboard

  2. Use the evaluation dashboard

  3. Visualize the evaluation data

  4. Export the evaluation data

1. How to get there

If you already know your board name, the easiest way to manage the evaluation dashboard is through the following URL:

If you do this, proceed directly to Step 3. Otherwise, start from Step 1.

Step 1:

On your HYPE Boards Admin account, go to the "Admin portal" of your board.

Step 2:

Select the "Evaluation" panel from the left side menu.

Step 3:

From here, you can visualize and analyze the evaluation data, as well as export it.

2. Using the evaluation dashboard

Now you should have the evaluation dashboard open.

Here you can filter and sort ideas through various criteria, as well as visualize and analyze the data you've gathered for your ideas with the evaluation feature.

The dashboard is pretty versatile and allows for various kinds of analysis. This means that it might take a little while to get used to all the possibilities, so we'll walk you through each of the options.

Let's see how it's done!

Choosing ideas from the list

As you enter the dashboard, the top five ideas prioritized by Viima Score are chosen by default.

Only the ideas that are highlighted on this list are shown in the large chart of the evaluation dashboard. The ideas that are chosen can be manually changed at any time. Filtering ideas affects only what ideas are on this list, but doesn't determine which are chosen.

There are three ways to choose ideas from this list:

  1. Directly clicking an idea to choose a single idea

  2. Choosing multiple ideas by holding Ctrl while clicking them

  3. Choosing all ideas from A to B by first choosing one idea (A) and then holding Shift while clicking the second idea (B)

Sorting the ideas

You can change how the list is sorted by clicking "Viima score" next to the sort icon, above the list of ideas. This will open a dropdown menu from which you can choose from Viima score and all of the individual evaluation metrics.

P.S. You can also reverse the sort order by clicking on one of the arrows in the sort icon depending on whether the list currently shows values in an ascending or descending order.

Sorting by Filtered Viima score

When sorting by Filtered Viima score, the displayed Viima Score will be be calculated only for the currently selected metrics.

Searching for ideas

You can filter the ideas that are included on the list by clicking "Advanced search." This will open a window from which you can choose any combination of categories and statuses to help you find ideas.

P.S. If no specific category or status is chosen, the list will include ideas from all categories and statuses. This is the default filtering setting on the dashboard.

If you wish to return to the default setting and have the list include ideas from all categories and statuses, you can do so by clicking "Clear" from the advanced search panel.

Filtering metrics

You can also filter the number of evaluation metrics that are included in the chart. This happens by clicking the "Filter metrics" and choosing the metric(s) you wish to filter by. If you wish to choose multiple metrics, you can do so by holding down Ctrl while clicking the metrics.

P.S. If a filter for evaluation metrics hasn't been set, the chart will include data from all metrics. This is the default metric filtering setting on the dashboard.

After choosing a specific metric, your chart will now show a normalized (converted into a 1-100 scale) score of the ideas chosen on your list.

If you wish to return to the default setting and have the list include ideas from all categories and statuses, you can do so by clicking "Show all" from the filtering ideas dropdown menu.

3. Visualizing the data with charts

If you've read the guide until this point, you now know how to filter and choose the ideas and evaluation metrics that are included in the chart.

Now, let's get to the charts!

Chart types

There are three types of charts available on the dashboard:

  1. Stacked bar chart

  2. Bar chart

  3. Radar chart

  4. Quadrant chart

Each chart displays statistics in a unique way and together can be used to understand and look at data from multiple angles.

You can change your chart type from the dropdown menu next to "Chart type."

Stacked bar chart

This is the default chart on the evaluation dashboard and is a great way to compare multiple ideas and get an overview of how well they've ranked in general, as well as how that score has been formed.

On the X-axis: Ideas that are chosen (highlighted) from the list. The order of the ideas is based on the sorting criteria chosen for the list.

On the Y-axis: A normalized average from the evaluation metrics that you have chosen. (If all metrics are chosen, this is the Viima score).

The different colors represent included evaluation metrics. The height or size of the colored block in relation to other blocks portrays the metric's portion of the given normalized score.

If you hover your mouse over any given bar, you can see the original (not covered on a 1-100 scale) values of the evaluations given to the said idea.

Bar chart

This chart is a great way to dig a bit deeper and compare how well certain ideas rank against each other based on a few selected metrics.

On the X-axis: Evaluation metrics with the colored bars in each group of bars representing the respective ideas.

On the Y-axis: A normalized average from the evaluations in the metrics that you have chosen. (If "Show Viima score" is chosen, this is naturally the Viima score).

The height of the colored bar in relation to other bars portrays the idea's normalized score for the metric in question.

If you hover your mouse over the colored bars of any metric, you can see said metric's original (not converted into a 1-100 scale) evaluation results regarding the ideas.

If you mark the "Show Viima score" checkbox above the chart, reference bars will be added to the chart that showcases the Viima score of all included ideas.

Radar chart

This chart is perfect for visually displaying the evaluation results of a few ideas. It helps you get a good overview of how they compare to each other and makes it easy to identify where a specific idea is stronger or weaker than all the others.

Each corner of the radar's "spiderweb" represents an evaluation metric, with the "layers" of the web being normalized scales measuring said metric. The overall area of the web represents the Viima score, which showcases the fact that the best ideas might not be the strongest in any given metric, but are usually very solid all around.

We don't necessarily recommend using this chart type to compare very many ideas, as the overlapping colored areas may be difficult to tell apart when there's lots of data.

Quadrant chart

You can cross-reference different evaluation metrics in the evaluation dashboard and view ideas on a chart with the chosen metrics as the x- and y-axis.

This is a great way to find e.g. high-impact ideas which take the least effort to execute.

You can also choose additional metrics to affect the size and transparency of an idea for deeper analysis.

To use the quadrant view, you must have at least 2 evaluation metrics set up. If ideas have user-given ratings on the chosen metrics, you should see that data spread on the chart.

P.S. If you do not have enough evaluation data, the results you see may be incomplete.

4. Exporting the evaluation data

You can also export data from your evaluation dashboard onto your device in Excel (.xls) format. The ideas and the evaluations will be exported depending on how you have filtered ideas and metrics on the dashboard.

In a nutshell, only what can be seen in the list of ideas will be exported with the evaluation metrics that you have filtered. No filtering means that all data regarding all evaluation metrics will be included in the report.

You can export your current evaluation view at any time by clicking "Export report" at the top-right corner of the dashboard.

After you've clicked "Export report," a download of an .xls file should automatically initiate.

Once you've opened the .xls file named "viima_evaluated_ideas_date of export,) on the first tab, called "Viima Evaluation Summary," you'll find the names of all the exported ideas with corresponding information.

The summary will include information on the ideas such as:

  • Category

  • Status

  • Likes

  • Comments

  • All evaluation results

  • Viima score

Managing the evaluation dashboard Pic 19

If you switch to a tab with the name of an evaluation metric, you'll find specific information related to individual evaluations of said metric.

The evaluation tab will include information on individual evaluations such as:

  • Time of evaluation

  • Evaluator email address

  • Evaluated idea

  • Value of evaluation

  • The normalized value of evaluation (converted into a 1-100 scale)

Managing the evaluation dashboard Pic 20
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