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Access rights
Updated over a week ago

Access rights determine who is allowed on your board. It’s important to adjust these settings carefully before inviting people to join. However, you can go back to change these rights whenever you like.

P.S. To be able to complete the following steps, you’ll need to have an admin account for the desired Viima board. Please contact your Viima super user for access if you don’t already have an account.

How to get there

If you already know your board name, the easiest way to manage access rights is through the following URL:

If you do this, proceed directly to Step 2. Otherwise, start from Step 1.

Step 1

On your Viima admin account, go to "Settings" in the admin portal of your board

Step 2

Go to the "Access rights" sub-section. From here, you can manage the access rights.

What to change

Now you should have the view from Step 2 open.

There are currently 4 options or “levels” of user access and one of these is activated by default in all use cases except "open innovation". However, you can deactivate this feature from the “Require login” toggle switch button under “Login settings.

Each option allows users to access your board with different criteria. We’ll go through each one individually and explain what they mean and what they’re used for.

Allow only admin users

This option allows only admins access to the board. People can be categorized as either “User” or “Admin.” On how to change this, check out our guide on user roles


Only admins can make changes to these settings.

Typical use cases: If you temporarily need only admins to manage the board. E.g. Preparing a new board and you don’t want people to have access before it’s ready. E.g. After an ideation stage in an idea challenge.

Allow all authenticated users

This option allows everyone from the permitted channels to access the board. Unlike if you deactivate the “Require login” feature, this option helps you keep track of everyone who has visited your board. You can manage the permitted channels from the login options. Only admins can make changes to these settings.

Typical use cases: E.g. If you want to create an open idea challenge but wish to keep track of everyone who has visited your board.

Allow only listed users

This option allows only people who have been added to the list of users to access the board. Only admins can make changes to the list.

Typical use cases: If you wish to keep access to your board limited to only certain individuals. E.g. Internal idea development of a specific unit or subject matter inside a company E.g. Creating boards containing private or sensitive information.

Allow listed users and users with an email from the following domains

This option only allows people that have been added to the list of users and those with an email account from the domains that are listed below “Allowed domains” to access the board. However, keep in mind that even if someone has an email account on a domain that is on the list, they can still only log in from a channel that is permitted in the login options. You can allow access from multiple different domains by typing them on the “Allowed domains” list, each separated by a comma.

Typical use cases: This is the default and is recommended for most of the internal ideation and innovation activities in most companies as it keeps the information securely inside your company but leads to a number of huge benefits from the transparency and wider input from more people in the company.

Don't forget to save your changes!

Green "Save" buttons can be found on all pages where changes can be made. Clicking this activates those changes.

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